Foundation Vents

EX and FL style vents can be manufactured to ANY CUSTOM SIZE.

foundation vent


(4” deep)

exterior vents


(1-1/2” deep w/1" front flange)


(1-1/2” deep w/1" front flange and connector box)



Foundation vents and exterior vents for under your home, shed or other enclosed area

Make no mistake about it – foundation vents and exterior vents are your first line of defense against the moisture that can wreak havoc underneath your home. The best way to combat this moisture and keep your home safe from the dangers of moisture is to install top-quality foundation vents that allow trapped moisture to exit and maintain adequate circulation beneath your house or other structure.

Without proper foundation vents protecting your home, costly damage from damp rot, and possibly termite infestation, can occur. Foundation and exterior vents allow for the natural flow of fresh air under structures that keep moisture levels low and diminish the possibility of severe moisture damage. Proper ventilation in your crawlspace circulates fresh air beneath structures and removes musty, moist air.

Foundation vents for crawl spaces or exterior foundation walls

Sunvent Industries’ foundation vents are ideal for use in crawl spaces or foundation walls for exterior ventilation. Each of our foundation vents are designed and manufactured to replace standard brick sizes and concrete foundation block sizes as well as custom sizes.


Sunvent Industries offers foundation vents in both standard and custom sizes for nearly any application. Our selection of foundation vents include:

  • MODEL “EX” (4” deep Extruded Aluminum)*
  • MODEL “FL” (1-1/2” deep w/1" front flange Extruded Aluminum)*
  • MODEL “C” (4” deep Cast Aluminum)

Contact us today for a free quote – or for help deciding which foundation vent or exterior vent will best suit your particular needs.


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